" Revista ONLINE deschisa tuturor elevilor ! "
International Kids Coding Competition
Olimpiade de programare pentru copii
Asociatia SasoryCode

Interviu cu d-na prof. de engleza Andra Anton (USA)

Redactor: Sasha Vovcenco , - , campus Little London Academy

:: Did you have any passions when you were a child and what kind of subjects did you like most in general school?
:: Ce pasiuni ati avut cand erati copil si ce materie v-a placut cel mai mult in scoala generala?

I was really passionate about literature, I really loved reading and I loved  the writing, so I spend a lot of my time doing those things and that’s  what I was most excited about in school.
Am fost pasionata de literatura, chiar mi-a plkacut sa citesc si adoram sa scriu, asa ca am petrecut mult timp facand aceste lucruri ... acestea au fost cele mai incitante  lucruri din scoala.

:: Why did you choose this job?
:: De ce v-ati ales aceasta meserie ?

I always loved English, and I always loved teaching literature and I always loved talking about ideas, that was one part of it and the second part was wanting to see what  life will be like in Romania.
Intotdeauna am iubit engleza si mi-a placut sa predau literatura si sa vorbesc despre idei.. asta ar fi o parte.. si cea de-a doua a fost ca am vrut sa vad cum este viata in Romania !

:: Do you think English will help us when we are big?
:: Credeti ca limba engleza ne va ajuta cand vom fi mari ?

Yeah, definitely, because English is spoken almost anywhere, so knowing English will help someone to accomplish almost anything anywhere and make it very easy to interact , so yeah, English is very important.
Da, bineinteles ! Deoarece engleza este vorbita aproape peste tot, asa ca a cunoaste engleza il va ajuta pe oricine sa realizeze aproape orice, oriunde si ii va fi usor sa interactioneze.. deci, da.. engleza este foarte importanta.

:: Much of what we learn at school (60-80%) is forgoten  over the next few years. What do you think about this?
:: O mare parte din ceea ce invatam la scoala  (60-80%) se uita in urmatorii ani.. Ce parere aveti despre asta?

I think that’s normal, there is noway we can remember everything. And I don’t think it’s about remembering the content, I think it’s about learning how to solve problems.  We may not remember a formula in math, or we might not remember  something  in a book , but we’ll remember how to solve problems, we’’ll remember the tools we acquired  when we’re reading a book or learn how to figure it out how to interpret information and that’s what is really important when we grow up!
Cred ca este normal, nu este posibil sa iti amintesti totul ! Dar nu cred ca este vorba de a-ti aminti continutul, cred ca este vorba de a invata cum sa rezolvi problemele. Poate nu ne amintim o formula la matematica, sau poate nu ne amintim ceva dintr-o carte, dar ne vom aminti cum sa rezolvam problemele, ne vom aminti uneltele gasite de noi cand citim cartile sau cand incercam sa interpretam informatiile citite.. asta este foarte important cand vom creste mari !

:: School by playing or playing in school? How important is it for children to be happy to come to school and to perceive the academic process as a playful play?
:: Scoala prin joaca sau joaca in scoala ? Cat de important este pentru copii sa fie fericiti ca vin la scoala si sa perceapa procesul academic ca o joaca placuta ?

I think it’s very important because students sense to like things that they’re good at and if we have a very strict environment, then, sometimes, they tend to feel  discouraged, they think it’s boring, but we can make it fun, and if they seem like they like it,then  it will make it more enjoyable and it will be more effective!
Cred ca este foarte important deoarece elevii tind sa aprecieze activitatile la care sunt buni si daca avem un mediu foarte strict atunci, cateodata, elevii tind sa se simta descurajati, ei cred ca este plictisitor.. dar putem sa o facem placuta, amuzanta si daca ei indragesc asta va fi mult mai eficienta !

:: Are new methods used today in schools in Romania compared to your country methods in education?
:: Se compara metodele de predare folosite astazi in scolile din Romania cu cele din tara dumneavoastra ?

I think so, I think I am seeing more of a shift toward critical thinking in Romania from what I know a lot from the time were I came ... now I think they are trying to push students to learn how to find information on their own, how to solve problems, and they are not focusing so much on just making students memorize  something for a test.
Cred ca da, cred ca am vazut progrese si schimbari critice in Romania de cand am venit, acum cred ca se incearca impingerea elevilor catre a invata cum sa gaseasca informatia singuri, cum sa rezolve problemele, si nu se mai focuseaza educatia doar pe a-i face pe elevi sa memoreze ceva pentru un test...

:: Is it important to bundle computer science with old teaching methods in schools?
:: Este importanta impletirea informaticii cu metodele vechi de predare in scoli ?

Definitely, because computers are used in a lot of jobs, a lot of new jobs that are being created  and a lot of jobs that will be created in the future  will probably have something to do with technology, so I think it’s crucial for students to learn how to be tech-ready.
In mod clar, deoarece computerele sunt folosite intr-o multime de locuri de munca si in locuri de munca noi create, iar multe locuri de munca create in viitor vor avea probabil o legatura cu tehnologia..., deci cred ca este crucial pentru elevi sa invete sa fie pregatiti pentru tehnologie !

:: What do you think about getting information from students via the internet, for example? Why books, board and chalk and not keyboard and monitor?
:: Ce parere aveti despre obtinerea de informatii de catre elevi prin intermediul internetului, de exemplu ? De ce carti, tabla si creta si nu tastatura si monitor ?

Well, I think traditional methods are useful, I  think students should use electronic device, I think they should learn how to type, that’s very important, because most jobs will require it.. and students often need to learn how to use internet, how to get information from it. I think that a balance could be found and I think that teachers  can adapt a lot of their assignments  to make them digital, so that students  also learn how to navigate the digital world ... that would be very usefull when they are older and they need to get a job.
Ei bine, cred ca metodele traditionale sunt utile, cred ca elevii ar trebui sa foloseasca device-uri, cred ca elevii trebuie sa invete sa tasteze, este foarte important deoarece majoritatea slujbelor necesita asta.. si elevii ar trebui sa invete cum sa foloseasca internetul, cum sa gaseasca informatiile pe internet... Cred ca un echilibru ar putea fi gasit si cred ca profesorii pot adapta multe dintre sarcinile lor facandu-le digitale, astfel incat elevii sa invete cum sa navigheze prin lumea digitala... ceea ce le va fi foarte folositor cand vor fi mai mari si vor avea nevoie de o slujba !

:: What do you think about the evolution of instant automatic translation gadgets (devices)? Why learn foreign languages ​​instead of using such a gadget that translates what we are talking or writing instantly into 50 foreign languages?
:: Ce parere aveti despre evolutia gadgeturilor (aparatelor) portabile de traducere automata instantanee ? De ce sa invatam la scoala limbi straine  in loc sa folosim un astfel de gadget care traduce ceea ce vorbim sau scriem, instantaneu,  in 50 de limbi straine ?

I’m not too familiar with those gadgets, I think they can be useful for moments when you are visiting another country in another language. I don’t have a problem with them in some ways, but it’s also useful to actually learn a second language and to learn it well ...  other language like  English, because you never know when you might need a better understanding in that language that it goes beyond translating , you know, like “Where can I find that building”
Nu sunt foarte familiarizata cu aceste gadgeturi, cred ca pot fi utile pentru momentele cand vizitezi alta tara (ca alta limba materna). Nu am o problema cu anumite aspecte ale lor, dar este deasemenea util sa inveti o limba straina secundara si sa o inveti bine... cum ar fi engleza... deoarece niciodata nu sti cand vei  avea nevoie de o mai buna cunoastere a limbii respective, mai mult decat o traducere simpla cum ar fi “Unde pot gasi aceasta cladire ?”

:: What are your difficulties in dealing with students?

:: Care sunt greutatile dvs. in relatiile cu elevii ?

Here sometimes is the english, sometimes I need to make myself understood with the students ... and I think that might be one of them...
Uneori este chiar engleza, uneori am nevoie sa ma fac mai bine inteleasa de catre elevi.. cred ca asta ar fi o problema..

:: What do you think of our initiative to create an online magazine?
:: Ce parere aveti de initiativa noastra de a crea o revista online ?

I think it’s great... I like reading, so I  look forward to see what you guys come up with...
Cred ca este super ! Imi place sa citesc asa ca abia astept sa vad ce mai scrieti in revista !